6Sustainability and Social Commitment

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

In the framework of guidelines and tools on which the Group's policies are based, the company has a platform called “Monitor”. This had already been consolidated in Spain and Italy in previous years, was implemented in Portugal in 2019 and is planned to be implemented shortly in Chile in 2020, which together means over 90% of the network. This consumption control system through real-time monitoring of the facilities is basic for the good performance of the already implemented energy efficiency system and translates into greater savings in consumption. Thanks to this system, energy savings of 11% have been achieved in Spain, 9% in Portugal and 8% in Italy.

In addition, Saba continues to promote e-learning for training and awareness in the field of the environment and energy efficiency for the correct training of its employees in terms of electricity consumption, waste management and sustainable mobility. It involves specific actions such as LED lighting and the installation of high energy efficient lifts. In addition, parking spaces for electric vehicles have been made available to customers in Spain.

All of the above support Saba's positioning in environmental and energy efficiency issues through an Integrated Management System (GIS), the obtention of ISO 40001 Certification in Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal and Chile. ISO 50001 compliance, meanwhile, has been obtained in Spain, Italy and Portugal and is scheduled for medium-term implementation in the United Kingdom and Chile. In addition, the company has been immersed since last year in the META project, designed to incorporate improvements related to energy behaviour, consumption savings and climate change.
