ESG: Sustainability

Main guidelines of Saba’s sustainability

The whole organisation participates and collaborates, as far as possible, in the implementation of the sustainability culture established. Saba’s way of working is a shared commitment project, represented by customer services, involvement and responsibility in the territories in which it operates, and it is an active part of progress in cities. All of the foregoing, together with brand identity and social and ethical aspects, comprise Saba’s distinguishing features. The integration and consolidation of business sustainability enable the strengthening of transparency and the correct management of stakeholders. In fact, the roadmap that marks the sustainability strategy is aligned with GRI Standards.

Saba’s way of working is a shared commitment project, represented by customer services, involvement and responsibility in the territories in which it operates

Value creation for society and the environment are priorities for Saba

Value creation for society and the environment are priorities for Saba. In this regard, the whole organisation is working to maintain a solid sustainability strategy and to suitably manage the aspects of greatest economic, environmental and social significance as well as good governance. In 2021, the company reiterated its support for projects such as the UN Global Compact, the greatest voluntary initiative in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility in the world, with over 15,401 entities in 164 countries in the whole world.

Precisely this Pact arose from the Agenda 2030, which breaks down the objectives of the international community in the 2016‐2030 period to eradicate poverty and favour sustainable equal development. Saba performs its activities within the framework of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, making these principles part of the daily strategy, culture and actions of the business and becoming involved in cooperative projects that contribute to the most extensive development goals. Social innovation and development form part of Saba’s DNA, hence compliance with these objectives is the best way to ensure the Group’s commitment and involvement as a socially responsible player.

Saba’s activity is performed taking into account especially the goals regarding climate action, in line with actions to combat climate change and its effects, sustainable cities and communities, with the implementation of solutions in the area of urban mobility and the innovation, improvement and technology of infrastructures.

In the same manner, to have an integral vision of the future and to continue reinforcing business responsibility, it is necessary to take into account the remaining goals. The health and well-being of workers, customers and collaborators, reinforcing the prevention of occupational risks and the installation of resources at car parks such as defibrillators and contributing to the least privileged groups is Saba’s pledge to end poverty. Other commitments include an Equality Plan to achieve gender equality, compliance with the Code of Ethics as a conduct reference at the company, becoming involved in society by offering decent work through increased indefinite-term contracts, and reference alliances to attain the objectives proposed, such as joining with the Spanish Compliance Association (ASCOM).